Piatt County, Illinois, 1883 Federal Pension Roll Volume 1, pages 572-574

Federal Pension roll of 1883
List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883; giving the name of each pensioner,
the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month
and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882.

Volume 1, pages 572-574

Copyright. All rights reserved
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
Archives by: © Judy Simpson

80,403 Reeves, Sarah Atwood widow 8 .
138,134 Kirby, Francis M. Atwood wd. l. shr. 6 .
210,677 Lewis, Eurastus C. Atwood g. s. w. head 4 June, 1882
154,929 Stanip, Claus Atwood wd. thighs 4 Aug., 1878
197,867 Trigg, Reason Atwood g. s. w. r. side 6 Nov. 1881
81,358 Pritchard, Thomas F. Atwood wd. l. hand 12 .
116,771 Winship, David Atwood wd. l. shoulder 8 .
106,811 Wood, Sam'l H. Atwood minors of 10 .
176,089 Story, Margaret Atwood mother 8 Jan., 1877
30,354 Ellis, Mary Atwood mother 8 Sept., 1864
141,520 Walker, Isabel Atwood widow 8 .
12,641 Taylor, Jane Atwood widow 1812 8 Jan., 1879
106,078 Gingery, Christian Bement mother 8 Jan., 1863
209,222 Clapp, Jas. M. Bement chr. diarrhea 4 May, 1882
193,740 Weldey, Sam'l Bement asthma 4 Aug., 1881
205,024 Collin, Wm. D. Bement wd. l. hip & arm 4 Mar., 1882
108,690 Mitchell, Jas. J. Bement dis. liver & kidneys 4 Dec., 1881
152,077 Clark, Wm. Bement wd. of back 6 Mar., 1878
217,187 Hays, Abraham Bement nervous debil. from sunstroke 4 Aug., 1882
103,780 Clark, Theodore Bement inj. r. ankle 8 .
122,391 Thompson, Geo. W. Bement wd. l. hand 2 .
144,172 Howard, James Bement chr. diarr. 6 .
10,594 Herdbrinker, Henry Bement amp. r. hand 18 .
140,524 Crain, John S. Bement wd. r. leg 4 .
86,167 Jones, Francis A. Bement wd. chest 8 .
182,593 Sanders, Mary Bement dep. mother 8 .
157,312 Alvord, Marretta Bement dep. mother 15 Apr., 1872
152,108 Bowles, Elizabeth Bement dep. mother 8 July, 1871
3,307 Newman, Andrew Bement inj. r. shr. 2 Jan., 1882
200,943 Haldeman Wm. G. Bement wd. l. arm, part'l loss sight l. eye 14 Jan., 1882
. Deakins, Ira B. Bement sunstroke, dis spi. cord 8 June, 1882
50,019 Barnhart, Jacob Bement wd. lft. hand 6 Sept., 1865
60,605 McCord, James C. Bement g. s. w. abdomen 4 .
. Bates, Edward Centerville wd. head, &c. 18 .
40,819 Ray, Cinderella Centerville widow 8 .
24,447 Argo, John Centerville surv. 1812 8 Oct., 1878
151,829 Barnhart, John C. Cerro Gordo chr. diarr. 8.5 Mar., 1878
170,703 Wynegar, Dexter Cerro Gordo wd. r. arm 2 June, 1880
217,381 Hart, Robt. Cerro Gordo rheu., dis. heart, contrac. r. arm 12 Aug., 1882
210,594 Shively, Colonel A. Cerro Gordo ch. diar., dis. heart, dis. stom. & spleen 8 June, 1882
198,569 Cole, Aaron Cerro Gordo wd. both knees & r. side 6 Dec., 1881
157,164 Harklemad, Lewis Cerro Gordo loss 3d finger l. hand, wd. little toe l. foot 4 Jan., 1879
190,536 Templin, Samuel Cerro Gordo dis. lungs & eyes fr. measles 8 June, 1881
88,499 Lyons, Wm. Cerro Gordo wd. of back 6 .
4,818 Chambers, Laban Cerro Gordo loss r. arm 24 .
102,787 Smith, Sam'l S. Cerro Gordo wd. index finger & spine 8 .
64,698 Grason, Wm. Cerro Gordo wd. l. lung 17 .
85,457 Peck, Jacob Cerro Gordo wd. l. wrist 16 .
49,942 Hatfield, Morris C. Cerro Gordo wd. l. shr. & hand 18 .
26,279 Middleton, Benedict Cerro Gordo paral. extremities 24 .
88,845 Bowdle, Wm. H. Cerro Gordo frac. l. leg 10 .
96,262 Kimberlin, Wm. H. Cerro Gordo wd. r. hand & forearm 6 .
184,052 Hudson, Phebe Cerro Gordo dep. mother 8 May, 1879
12,001 Belch, Harriet E. Cerro Gordo widow 8 .
80,137 Peck, Nancy Cerro Gordo widow 8 .
20,196 Bond, Emily Cerro Gordo widow 1812 8 Mar., 1879
186,449 Williams, Andrew Cisco debil. from sunstroke, ulcer of legs from smallpox 6 Apr., 1881
166,372 Wilt, Michael Cisco lumbago 6 Apr., 1880
180,925 Reynolds, John Cisco dis. lungs 4 Jan., 1881
218,587 Dodd, Emanuel Cisco chr. diarr. 4 Sept., 1882
211,966 Hummel, Geo. Cisco chr. diarr. 6 June, 1882
96,629 Watrons, Henry Cisco wd. l. foot 5 .
175,093 Greer, Margaret Cisco dep. mother 8 Sept., 1876
166,849 Daves, Wm. Cisco chr. diarr. 6 Apr., 1880
192,823 Dawson, Wm. S. Cisco dis. liver 4 July, 1881
208,274 Dashiell, John M. Cisco inj. r. side, fract. of 7th rib 4 May, 1882
9,488 Parmenter, Alpheus B. Cisco chro. diarrh. 6 .
172,091 Rigonold, Joseph DeLand inj. back, dis. kidneys 6 Aug., 1880
175,589 VanVickle, Henry DeLand wd. l. leg 4 Oct., 1880
194,099 McKinley, Alexander DeLand ch. diarr. 4 Aug., 1881
158,107 Campbell, Joseph A. DeLand wd. abdomen 4 Mar., 1879
199,529 Porter, Horace G. DeLand wd. r. shr. 4 Dec., 1881
73,961 McDaniel, Wm. R. DeLand ch. ophthalmia 4 .
113,600 Patterson, John DeLand dis. of eyes 8 .
89,463 Corder, Geo. W. DeLand injury to abdomen 6 .
177,852 Riggs, Andrew J. DeLand minor of 10 .
44,080 Shannon, Andrew J. DeLand wd. lft. arm 18 .
197,250 Pollison, John M. Galesville wd. r. foot 4 Nov., 1881
149,021 Tatman, Amos Galesville wd. l. jaw and shr. . .
92,060 Doyle, Michael Galesville wd. face 6 .
47,755 Ward, Henry Hammond diarrhea 6 .
195,320 Knapp, Ira Hammond wd. r. leg 8 Sept. 1881
185,876 Bradley, John E. Hammond dis. brain from sunstroke 4 Mar., 1881
33,519 Griffin, David O. Hammond wd. l. leg 10 .
148,658 Patrick, Americus Hammond dis. eyes 4 .
77,522 Landgrebe, Geo. F. Hammond wd. l. foot 2 .
19,164 Funk, Samuel Hammond g. s. wd. 6 .
22,398 Fleming, James A. Hammond wd. r. shr. 18 .
31,710 Enterline, Conrad Hammond wd. l. leg 18 .
142,065 Byron, Orin Hammond inj. of abdomen 8 Oct., 1876
209,706 Stine, James Lintner Station wd. l. forearm 8 May, 1882
146,371 Verner, William Lintner Station wd. face 1 .
90,790 Line, Dennis B. Lodge wd. l. leg 4 May, 1868
119,449 Miller, James La Place wd. r. wrist 4 .
108,034 Fouts, Joel A. La Place chr. diarr. 3 Feb., 1871
42,151 Runyon, Sarah La Place widow 8 .
110,071 Blythe, Joseph La Place wd. l. forearm 4 .
83,976 Lawson, Permelia La Place . 8 Mar., 1868
78,495 Welch, Joseph Mansfield wd. lower jaw 6 .
95,210 Braffet, Griffin M. Mansfield chr. rheu. and diarr. 17 .
124,003 Schuyler, Jesse Mansfield injury to abdomen 4 .
61,673 Jess, Thomas Mansfield loss l. thi. 24 .
119,804 Darst, Geo. W. Mansfield chr. diarr. 4 .
186,841 Easterday, Mary Mansfield widow 8 Feb., 1880
190,152 Davis, Margaret Mansfield dep. mother 8 Oct. 1880
51,850 Bayless, Lodema Mansfield dep. mother 8 July, 1865
25,879 Goodell, Elizabeth Mansfield widow 8 .
149,038 Mylin, Samuel Milmine wd. lft. thigh 4 .
194,186 East, Priscilla Milmine mother 8 Jan., 1882
205,356 Betts, Jonathan Monticello wd. r. mid fing., forehead 2 Mar., 1882
200,513 Wildman, Austin H. Monticello partial deafness 4 Jan., 1882
185,659 Spurling, Isaac Monticello rheu. injury to abdomen 12 Mar., 1881
177,263 Shaffer, Henry Monticello chr. diarr. 4 Oct., 1880
201,839 Haneline, Peter Monticello chr. diar., heart dis. 6 Jan., 1882
173,977 Hampton, Michael Monticello dis. of abdominal viscera 18 Sept., 1880
158,908 Cresap, Edwin Monticello dis eyes 6 Apr., 1879
222,827 Robertson, Geo. P. Monticello ch. diarr. 6 Dec., 1882
185,806 Wootington, Henry Monticello ch. bronchitis 6 Mar., 1881
160,311 Wilson, Henry C. Monticello wd. l. side 2 June, 1879
202,808 Walsh, Jas. B. Monticello ch. diarr. & dis. eyes 8 Feb., 1882
180,138 Settle, Abraham Monticello wd. face, l. hand, ch. diarr. 8 Dec., 1880
153,381 Griffith, John Monticello dis. lungs 4 May, 1878
202,906 Andrew, John E. Monticello wd. r. leg 4 Feb., 1882
211,220 Abnett, Jas. M. Monticello wd. r. hand 2 June, 1882
108,244 Hott, Francis M. Monticello injury to abdomen 4 Nov., 1881
160,340 Haneline, David Monticello injury to abdomen 4 May, 1879
157,793 Graham, Wm. Monticello wd. r. knee . Mar., 1879
206,065 Williams, Joseph Monticello wd. r. hand 2 Apr., 1882
30,913 Tinder, Americus B. Monticello wd. sternum 8 .
115,106 Marvin, Thos. Monticello wd. r. thi 4 .
65,770 Haneline, Elijah Monticello wd. l. arm 2 .
88,953 Albert, John M. Monticello wd. r. thi 6 .
52,707 Piper, Jas. Monticello wd. l. humorus 18 .
26,799 Vangundy, Joseph T. Monticello loss r. foot 18 .
79,786 Tinsman, Wm. Monticello wd. r. shr. 4 .
101,938 Lowry, John C. Monticello rheu., dis. eyes, partl. deaf 18 .
89,779 Hubbart, Thomas C. Monticello wd. r. shr. 6 .
70,169 Haldeman, Saml. N. Monticello inj. r. shr. & ch. diar. 12 .
88,954 Hazzard, Michael Monticello wd. r. shr. 7 .
91,410 Stickel, Chas. W. Monticello ch. diar. 4 .
39,794 White, Thos. Monticello frac. r. arm, &c. 18 .
118,451 Rudisill, Marrion Monticello wd. l. hand 5 .
63,474 Jones, Jonas Monticello wd. l. leg 20 .
29,630 Kines, Mary Monticello widow 8 .
182,738 Jamison, Martha J. Monticello widow 20 Dec., 1878
127,902 Hickman, Mary J. Monticello widow 8 .
25,350 Herring, Mary A. Monticello widow 8 .
17,190 Nowlin, Cynthia Monticello dep. mother 8 Mar., 1864
192,607 Mooney, Ann Monticello dep. mother 8 June, 1881
172,135 Merryman, John Monticello minor of 10 .
13,060 Mussor, Catharine Monticello widow 20 .
789 Bond, Prudence Monticello widow 8 Oct., 1871
184,726 Dillon, Mary C. Monticello widow 12 July, 1879
186,135 Conner, Rachel Monticello mother 8 Nov., 1879
187,451 Bowman, Reuben Monticello inj. back, l. hip 20 Apr., 1881
208,221 Ryder, Watkins L. Monticello wd. l. side, back 4 May, 1882
197,834 Davis, Andrew F. Monticello partial deafness 8.5 Nov., 1881
153,605 Deardorff, David W. Monticello rheu., dis.heart 10 June, 1878
132,402 Duncan, Obediah W. Pierson Station chr. diar., rheu. 8 .
34,207 Chambers, Owen T. Pierson Station wd. l. shr. 8 .
195,927 Abbott, Henry B. Pierson Station wd. both legs, vari. veins, partl. Loss r. thumb 8 Sept., 1881
176,097 Franklin, Joseph T. Pierson Station chr. rheu. 6 Oct. 1880
29,389 Liston, Nancy R. Pierson Station . 8 May, 1880
90,017 Ayers, Levina J. White Heath dep. mother 8 Feb., 1867
58,428 Deland, George White Heath wd. r. leg 8 .
56,287 Holloway, Thomas N. White Heath wd. maxillary bone 16 .


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